Shipping Container Pools

Transform your backyard with a unique shipping container pool. These pools are simple to install and are built to last. With a variety of options to choose from, you’ll be able to customize your pool for your property.

Build & Price Your ALT Container Office

"Tony and his team are professional when it comes to the design element but also answering phones and staying on top of everything. Their work is top notch."

Neil Tjin

Build and Price Your Backyard Office with our 3D Configurator

How it Works


It’s important to make sure our product is the right fit for you. You’ll want to ensure you can have one of our units on your property and secure the necessary financing.

Choose Your Model

With a variety of options to choose from and a wide selection of finishes, we have the build that is right for you.


Talk with one of our team members and get your project started!


Interested in getting more information? Contact Us

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